When searching through the website, if you can't find what you are looking for or have an idea, please email or call us and we can find it for you in a few minutes.
We have always figured that it was our job to find what you are looking for instead of you spending hours of your valuable time searching the website.
We dig for "specials" and "on sale" items.
Many of the suppliers have the exact same item at different pricing, we try to find the best deal for you.
Need an idea for a promotion that is coming up?? Contact us, we can help.
We have always specialized in personalized service and more service and more service.
For embroidered clothing, caps, bags, etc., we hope that you are extra picky because that is what we are.
You have heard "Don't sweat the small stuff", as that doesn't apply to us "We sweat the small stuff", always have.
We do very high quality embroidery at reasonable pricing.
Please contact us for your pricing, it might surprise you.
Thank You,
Tom & Raine